Wednesday, August 26, 2009

North Dakota

These were metal figures made on the Enchanted Highway. A 20 mi tourist attraction to a town that normally would be ignored. We drove to it, but didn't go into the gift shops. Not good tourist.

Neil being himself (Mature) why I like him. The picture with me in it, was taken in the writing shack that was used by Louis L'Amour. They say this is where he spent the first 15 years of his life, and went to school.
This was the same place where the White Buffalo were.

Jamestown, North Dakota

Sunday, August 23, 2009

White Buffalo Jamestown ND

We will have more pictures later, when we get the throw away camera developed. Yes, I forgot the camera..

We're in Jamestown, North Dakota.
This was the Frontier Museum, they have 3 white buffalo. The male was born in 1996 and given to the museum, then in 2003 they got another one and then they had a calf born last year. It was rather odd to see White Buffalo. Neil & I had trouble saying it too, every time we'd say it, it came out"White Elephant". We've had a lot of interesting things on this trip. When we get the pics developed we have some cute stuff taken with it.
This is the town where Louis L'Amour was raised and we saw what they call "The Writing Shack" where he wrote stories. We also saw all of the books he had written, but Neil thinks I have more than they do. Jerry always read Louis L'Amour books and I also started reading them one time I was looking for something to read, and I think I've read almost all of them. That was pretty cool to read. A man in Frontier Village, told me that a man that lived 25 mi south of Jamestown also was the man that wrote the Wizard of Oz.
We are leaving here first thing in the morn. There is a town West of here that is supposed to be something to see, so we will soon find out. Until then, Be Safe, Healthy and Happy N&S

Sunday, August 16, 2009

Springfield IL

Yep, Neil & I are in the picture with the Lincoln Family, so I mus be a littleover 29, maybe 1/2

This is the Lincoln home.

We went on a tour of Lincoln's Tomb. We learned so much about him, the grave robberies, how many times he was moved and embombed. The wax figures we are pictured with, we so realistic looking you could almost see them breathing. We met Dale & Jim Ford at the cemetery and this time with them in the cemetery we didn't get locked in. We asked where a good place to have lunch would be. The people told us D'Arcy's Pint, the name was questionable at first, but we had food fit for King's. The specialty dish sounded gross, but everyone said it was wonderful and it looked good so we ordered, except Dale, she had a boring Rueben. We had a hambuger on a pc. of texas toast, covered with french fries, cheese sauce topped with bacon bits and deep fried jalapeno's. I had the pony version, Neil & Jim had the horseshoe version, and we brought enough home with us that it will be dinner tonight.
On Sunday, we went to the Lincoln Library, (which is a research library, and saw the pictures and then went back to the museum and saw a movie in the Union Theatre, that was the pres. years, and wars "Thru Lincoln's Eyes". Something you shouldn't miss when you go there.
We went to the Lincoln's Home which was a nice tour, and they allowed photos during this tour. At lunch time we again asked where to eat and were told that the "Cafe Brio" was good, and it was wonderful and the service was superb and beyond. The waitress told us we should miss New Salem, and on our recipt she gave us directions, so we decided to go there and see something different.
It was a really realistic village of log cabin homes, stores and blacksmith shops. Just when we decided to end our walk thru the town, we got to the gift shop and it began pouring down rain and when we left to go to the car we got soaked to the skin.
So tomorrow, we are off to Iowa and we will stop and see Dale & Jim Ford, and tell them what they need to go back to Springfield and see that they missed.

Friday, August 14, 2009


Neil & I have decided we are going to start a Book on "The Worst Places in America To Eat" we seem to have found our luck isn't good on picking places to eat. We ate at a cracker barrel and the biscuit actually had grease dripping from it when you picked it up, Yummmm. We went to a place at KS Hwy 56 & U S Hwy 75 called Four Corners, "Worst steak I ever tried to eat....We went to the Hen House in Springfield Illinois tonight, and Yuck is a Good word to describe the fish , but the hamburger was good.

I thought Gates BBQ In KC, KS was wonderful, but my cousin says it's too spicy. He's a Wimp LOL

Tomorrow we are meeting Dale & Jim Ford at the Cemetery. We went to visit them in Burlington Iowa a few years back and they took us to the cemetery, so we figure it as an excellent place to meet them when they come to see us. Actually it is Oakridge Cemetery where Lincoln't Tomb is, but I had to tell you what we find entertaining.

Until tomorrow night Late.......Have a Good One N&S

Thursday, August 13, 2009

Hannibal MO

Just another pretty house. Mississippi River. We went to the Mark Twain Museum. We took the Trolley tour of Hannibal MO it was a nice tour and our guide was a real comedian, Neil thought he was hilairous..

To left is Tom Sawyer's House and lower middle is Becky Thatcher's house being re-done and a model of Mark Twain Riverboat Ride

Of course, Tom & Huck and there was Neil (remember) the old guy.

Mark Twain Statue

We leave here in the morning and go about 120 mi to Springfield IL, to the Lincoln Library.. So until next time,,,,,,,Be Safe & Healthy Love ya N&S

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Hannibal MO

We're in Hannibal MO, we'll be here tonight and tomorrow and then head to Springfield IL. and then we'll be heading west. We're going to make a couple of stops and a couple of rest days and then we'll get home in Sept.. Got appts to keep then. Back to the real world. I am trying to keep up with the blog, but I'm getting slow or old one, gets harder, or maybe I'm just getting Really Lazy. Until next time, Be Safe and Happy N&S

Hermann Mo

You Might be a redneck if you have a Nuclear Plant at the end of your driveway.
You Might be a Redneck if you have a windchime like this one.

You might be a redneck if you have a refrigerator on your front porch for your beer, You Might be Redneck if you still have all your garbage and it's all in your front yard.

This place is where we bought some wonderful German Bologna, salami and cheeses. I got Ginger apricot and also cinnamon apple cheese. They are really good.

This is supposed to be a German Town. I must be a German because I thought all the businesses and homes that are brick were all my favorites. I have always loved brick buildings. We only spent one day here, so it was a brief sightseeing trip.

Branson MO

We didn't take hardly any pics in Branson. We went to the Dixie Stampede. We went with Bill & Ione to the dinner show. The food was good, fun and a great show. We stayed at Ione's house in Joplin. We felt like we were Royality. We got there Fri. and had a wonderful dinner and then we went swimming, the water felt cold when we got it, but it soon felt warm. The wind came up and then the water felt hot, but wonderful.
We were very lazy Sun. Neil was good, he went to church with Bill & Ione and I slept. They did go at 8AM, so I don't do 8am very well.