Monday, June 29, 2009

Sunday, June 28, 2009

Day Lillies

These are only a mini picture page of the beautiful Day Lillies we saw today. I'm having trouble tonight getting pics to upload, so maybe I'll just have to wait until tomorrow. I am going to send the link so you can see the garden online yourself. It is just gorgeous. We had a wonderful day today. We went out to breakfast, went to the Garden tour, then to William A. White home in Emporia Ks. Drove around Emporia, (which is where I was born 29 yr ago) Got home around 3:30, Neil took a nap, then we went to Topeka to the Rib Crib for dinner, the food was wonderful and we will have dinner tomorrow from it too.
Tonight we decided to go for a little ride and see if there were any birds out. Took a slight turn and ended up on dirt roads, not knowing where we were, (and saw very few birds) and not exactly sure where we would come out, but we found the cemetary where I have family, so we knew where we were, but the GPS said to go the other way, which Neil wanted to do, so again we went on dirt roads and the GPS was trying to take us in a circle, but said I'm going left, and finally we ended up about 29 mi from the motorhome, when we were only about 3 mi from it. Oh well, we got home and it was fun anyway.

So until tomorrow when I'm not tired and the program is working I'll send more pictures. Bye for now N&S

Bird Watching

We went bird watching....Yeah, I notice there was no pics of birds. That's because we didn't see any birds. So much for BIRDWATCHING. The horses were so protective of the baby. They were cute....

Thursday, June 25, 2009

Short ride

This is where I wish I was today. It was 106 on three different banks we passed on our "little" ride after are long workday. Got off at 2pm and drove to Sedan Ks. (which is 5 mi from Ok.) 322 mi total trip... We finally did go out to dinner on Thurs. Neil told me about 3 yrs ago we'd go out to dinner on Thurs and I think we've hit a Thurs 3 times maybe. Of course, he did point out that we eat out alot of other nights....
Tomorrow I'm going to visit my cousin Bill (in the nursing home) and I'm taking Bandit with me, Bill says he loves dogs and he wants to see Bandit. Bandit will Love all the attention he'll get from all the people there. Sandy isn't as easy going and some people she just don't like, so she is going to be quite upset when we leave her home.
We're hoping to get to Branson in a couple of weeks. My other cousin Bill, says we can go and stay at Ione's and leave the dogs there and go to Branson, sounds like it could be fun. Well, it's bedtime for the seniors, so until next time......Be Healthy & Safe N&S

Treasure Hunt Ends

We spent the day going to the Zoo, which was the clue. The zoo is very nice but it doesn't compare to The National Zoo. The clue from there was: Sometimes green and sometimes Blue, has lots of diamonds, is old but modern. We didn't have the right idea at all, I thought baseball diamonds and so did Neil, but as you see it was an aquatic Park, and it was a huge park. Talk to you soon when we have something exciting to tell you. N&S

Sunday, June 21, 2009

Happy Father's Day

Yesterday, we had Susan's cousin Bill Mahaffey and his lady friend Ione, over to the park for breakfast, then we played dominos and of course Susan Lost, as always. I had the highest score by over a 100. Then we had a real downpour that lasted a couple of hours, so then we had lunch (dinner) in Ks. they finally headed home after the storm about 4pm.
They invited us to go to Bill's daughter's for Father's Day. We went, and got to meet his daughters, and their families and his son's wife, Kim and children, Aaron was the son that was in Iraq. (Everyone at church will remember we sent care packages to him and his men.) They were very nice and we felt like we were treated like honored guest. Had a wonderful day with them. I got to meet my 4th, and 5th cousin's on my father's side.
The weather here today was gorgeous after tornado warnings all around us last night, but nothing here, Thank God. The temp is 94 and the humidity is 74. I'm not cold, I love it, Neil thinks it's hot and humid.
Don't know what the plan for tomorrow is, guess we'll figure it out later....Until then Be safe and healthy. N&S

Wednesday, June 17, 2009


Back earlier in the Blog we sent pictures of a kildare nest with 4 eggs. The eggs hatched and the birds have feathers when they are born and leave the nest right away. All four eggs have hatched and the birds are gone. Amazing that they run away so fast. We went for a ride tonight to go to a wildlife refuge. We saw wild turkeys, deer, cottontail rabbits and a mother skunk with 4 or 5 babies crossing the road. We were probably about 12 feet from them , but No smell, Thank Goodness. Tomorrow is another day of work. You'd think we don't have time to work with all the stuff we're doing. No Treasue hunt today, we were lazy and just stayed home. About noon a little boy I went to school with came by to see me, and he doesn't look any different than he did as a boy, except he's bigger and has a little, less hair, but still has alot. We talked about having a BBQ here and invite the people from around here and have another reunion and have the ones that didn't get to the other one. So we might. I don't like the way this will not let you start a new paragraph. Oh well Until later N&S

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Treasure Hunt

Our Biggest Worst Adventure was the storm we had last night. We were on Tornado watch, for 10 hrs. BUT, the weather said, we would have 75 mph winds, nickel size hail, and tornados had already touched down west of us, in two places. We were ready to go to the shelter, and should have gone, but we waited, (Not wanting to be chickens) We had thunder that shook the motorhome and gusts that rocked it, not to mention the 2' of rain in about an hour. If anyone hasn't spent a thunder storm in a motorhome, they don't know anything about going through one. The people that DID go to the shelter, have lived in Ks all their lives, and we wished we had joined them. Our poor dog was petrified and wouldn't let us sleep until 5:45AM. I was up until 3:45, and Neil was up from 4 until 5:45 with her. She wants to go to Ca NOW...

This was the 50's diner, in the Kansas History Museum. Neil and I agree we would like to go back here when we aren't tired. The clue for our next destination is: 34 acre retreat on the West side of Topeka. The residents here are not to fear, but admire, been here since 1933.

This was the Curtis Mansion: The clue there was: Back to school where it is a comedy and a tragadey, which was the school for theatre Arts.

The clue we recieved here was: Find the only sweet and nutty Hill in Topeka. Sure to satisfy your chocolate desires

The medal of Honor. First one we had ever seen. Impressive, but sad too.

This was the candy store. This was a sweet surprise...The clue for the next place was: Historical Home linked to a Native American Vice President??

The last clue was:

It was the Air Museum at Forbes air field (Relative Mike?) The next clue was: Where in Topeka can you find the World's largest machine gun... That was located at the Kansas National Guard Museum. There we also saw a National Medal of Honor. Neil or I either had seen one in living color. Have now. This was Lake Shawnee it was a clue that was just read to us, because we couldn't get into the place to get the clue, it was closed. . The clue we got there was: Tom Cruise & Anthony Edwards flew a jet plane which is like one in our museum with Naval Air Warfare Center (NSAWC) on the tail.....

Building with stories. and yes it was the library. It IS the biggest library I've ever seen, and Yep, it was open on Sunday.

Neil at the information desk at the library. Until next time Be Safe N&S

Friday, June 12, 2009

Treasure Hunt continues

The capitol building wasn't hard to figure out, because it's the tallest building in Topeka. We didn't go up the 296 steps to the top. We took the tour and used the elevator, which doesn't go to the top.

The next clue was:

Where is the Bell off Steam Engine #3463 that is sitting on the southeast Expocentre Grounds! No brainer, we thought....but it was OFF of the engine. Read the whole thing Susan!!!!

This was the bell we ran all over town to find.. It was at the Union Pacific Railroad Museum....

This was a Veterans Memorial for all veterans from all states that have served this country. Impressive.. Thanks Guys

This was the Old Town in Topeka. They had an old fashion drugstore with a soda fountain. We pooped out after this one..

The next Clue is: Where there are many stories. Yeah we knew this one too.... BUT don't forget the bell!!! Until we've taken pictures N&S

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Treasure Hunt

The Clue: Jewels you don't wear....

This church is the First Presbyterian Church of Topeka. The church is all done in cherry wood, so it's dark. It was built in 1859. The Tiffany Windows were a memorial gift to the church in Oct 1911 in memory of Jonathan Thomas and Josephine Brooks Thomas.

Neil says he is going to atternd service here this Sunday.
THE NEXT CLUE: A mere 296 steps will take you to the top of Topeka.....We think we know where we're going Until then N&S

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Love Ks Weather

We haven't gotten used to these storms. The sun can be out and 15 minutes later the wind comes up, it starts raining, thundering and lightning to follow.
We, Neil, my 3rd cousins, Bill & Leora took a DVD VCR player with about 30 movies to my 1st cousin Bill, who resides in a Care facility. He was really happy to have all the company, but was real curious about messing with his VCR,but happy to get the new one when it was working. We got there and in about 3 minutes, they came down the hallways and said to stay away from the windows, it started raining and then hailing with 64 mph wind, lasted about 10-15 minutes and heard later on the news there was 1.3" of rain and hail in a 12 min period. Sure wish it had gone to Ca. We're now about 10-20 mi above the severe storm & tornado warnings tonight. This I personally can do without. My cousin, Leora, has been in a tornado, as have I, and that is something you don't ever forget.
Yes, is the answer, I just couldn't resist the opportunity to throw a handful of hail on Neil.
We've been asking people from here about the clue and they don't seem to know, tomorrow, maybe we'll all know Until then N&S

Friday, June 5, 2009

Treasure Hunt

The Clue for this was:

What book sold in this bookstore is considered by the National Park Service as the "Bible" for the 1954 Supreme Court Decision?

Hours of operation are 9:00am-5:00pm daily. Neil had the answer to this one as soon as we read the clue. The people at the locations are allowed to help a little, but not being familiar with this area is going to prove to be a challenge.

Clue for the #2 attraction is: Where can you find priceless jewels that can't be worn?

Hours: 8:30am-4:30pm I think I may have figured this one out, but we'll have to wait till next Wed to find out.

Until next time.......Be safe and healthy,,,,,,N&S

Thursday, June 4, 2009

No News YET

We signed up for a Treasure Hunt, sponsored by the Visitor's Center in Topeka. You have to get clues and then find, and photograph what you find. There will be four prizes for 4 people. We will get to see 16 different attractions and have the fun looking for the clues. Neil and I being children at heart thought it would be fun.
There was an older (than us) couple next to us, and they moved to a different campground today. They were very nice people and we'll miss them.
Neil & I worked today, he got propane for 3 people, I did nothing. I wish we had more to do. I am going to work on a denim blanket that I'm making, and I still have yarn, crafts, and lots of reading, and other stuff, like laundry and cooking to do, so we stay occupied at least.
We'll start the Treasue Hunt tomorrow, so we'll let you come with us. Until Then N&S

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Just doin' nuttin

We haven't been doing anything really exciting, but seem to be staying busy doing nothing. It seems like our days off go way tooooooooooooo fast. It's already almost time to work again. We've had company, (people Susan remembers for 1957) some friends of Susan and her family when they lived here, 100 years ago.
Neil has decided he could live here because the people are all so friendly and nice.
We were in the hardware store looking for a door knob for our motorhome, the kid was trying to figure out where to send us, when an older man, said, "I'll tell ya, how to get where ya wanna go." and he did. People here are alot more easy going than they are in Ca. Nobody is in a rush all the time like at home. I don't think I could live here, there are just to many things I remember and don't care for, like chiggers, ticks, snakes, wind, wind, and more wind.
We went to Olathe, Ks (near Kansas City) by the backroads. We were on paved roads, and gravel roads, and just plain muddy ones too. We stopped at an intersection, and a Turtle was crossing the road, and didn't get hit, we also got chased by dogs. I was driving and I ignored the GPS and went the direction I thought I should go, and Neil wondered about me, but all of a sudden, we were there. Neil doesn't get North, South, East & West.
Hope all is well with you.............Until later N&S