Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Fort Leavenworth

We went to Leavenworth KS today, and, of course, we had thunder, lightning and rain almost all day.

When we entered the gate on the Army Base, they had us get out,(In the Rain) and they searched the car. I don't think I've ever had a car searched like that before. The first two pictures (Below with the water) are the Memorial to the Buffalo Soldiers, at Fort Leavenworth, in KS

Neil really enjoys Museum's, but I think the Service ones are especially interesting to him. Remember though, The Truman Library, took 7 hours. Neil got a patch for his jacket, (of historic places we've been). I got a Christmas Ornament from there.

The sleigh below was Custer's Sleigh. I may not have been to history classes in school, but I'm sure getting it now.

Don't know if we'll go tomorrow, we're both tired this evening. We didn't get home until 5:ooPM, my computer is still on PST, so I'm not crazy, and I do know how to tell time. Until Later N&S

Monday, July 27, 2009

Lawrence KS.

Susan and her flowers. The building (on Left) is just an old brick building we saw in Lawrence KS. today. Below Left is just a cool old house.

These were churches. I just love brick and rock buildings (especially with Ks weather). There are severe weather warnings in So. Topeka right now. WE could see the storm off to the north when we were on our way home. I would imagine it will hit Lawrence a little later. Glad we got out of there. This weather is insane, but everyone here says it is nothing compared to earthquakes. Everyone seems to think that houses and people just fall into the big holes and houses fall in the ocean All the time, so eventually all of Ca is going in the ocean. I personally have had enough of the thunder, lightning, wind, tornado warnings, not too mention the snow and Ice in the winter.

Picture on left is downtown Lawrence. We walked 4 blocks of it.
We had my cousin Bill over for dinner Sunday. We had a very nice visit and he told us we could see the Space station & Shuttle at 9:59PM last night. He was still here, Thank Goodness, otherwise Neil & I would have both forgotten. We went to see if we could find it, we did. We watched it for 3 minutes go all the way across the night sky, and just all of a sudden it was gone. It was really great to get to see it. Thanks Bill

Tuesday, July 21, 2009


Today we went to Kingsville, Mo to Powell Gardens. They were on 925 acres. We didn't get to see all of it, but what we did see was beautiful.

Sunday, July 19, 2009

Arabia Steamboat Museum KC Mo

The steamboat had been sunk 132 years when five men decided to hunt for buried treasures, to sell for profit. Three were a father and 2 sons, that operate a heating & Air conditioning business in KC, a construction worker, and a restaurant owner from Independence Mo. This is a must see if you ever get to KC. You will find 2 Posts today about the museum..... This was a very interesting tour. One of the men from the rescue mission was at our tour, which we understand they are there all the time.

Us both being ourselves..... Many more pictures of the museum on the next post. Until our next adventure.....N&S
The anchor, nails, and paddle wheel, of course. These are the way the nails were when they were found. This box (below) is going to be taken apart and restored by a third grade class, and documented by the students and will be in the museum.

These were rubber shoes. They've restored about 1500 pair and there are still 3500 more pairs to restore.

The china they had on board was unbelievable.

These were beads that were traded with the Indians.

Neil, being Neil (Cute huh?)

This was the skyline of KC Mo.

Thursday, July 16, 2009


Someone needs to get alot of typing practice. I thought that I proof read the last post, but if I did must have been asleep.

Neil actually had to work sometoday. He said he must have filled 10 propane bottles, but no new campers.

We're hoping to get to Branson next week end. We have decided we are heading home the 9th of Aug.

We are hoping an old friendof Susan's is hoping to get to come to the campground next week, be great to visit with her. We used to write letters, but got lazy years ago.

Until we have some excitement......N&S

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Lazy Day

We saw this little house, and I told Neil I could live in a house like that. He said in Ks, and I said No, don't like the weather in summer and winter is as bad or worse.

Today we have just kinda rested. Neil cleaned the air conditioner filters and Iworked on some craft things. I guess itkeeps meoutof trouble. It is Tooooooooooooooo sultry to spend much time outside. The temp today is 94, but the dewpoint is66%, they say that makes it feel like 87, I say balongey it feels likes 110.

We're supposed to have thunder storms tonight. We hate them because oneof us has to stay up with Sandy. She huddles in thebathroom and cries, so one of us has to sit with her and the storms have lasted almost all night. Igot to bed a 3am and Neil got up with her again last night, so tonight is my all night turn. We feel so sorry for her. Bandit just goes to sleep and doesn't care what happens he ain't missin' his sleep.
Until later N&S

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Council Grove Kansas

These were just figures on a hill, but they made you do a double take, because from a distance they look real.

The lakes are at the damn at Council Grove. They have a very nice campground at the lakes. They are Corp of Engineers Parks.

Amazing what you find if you look..

OOOOOPPPPSSS got this twice and don't know how to remove it without deleting all and starting over. No Thanks Not tonight....

This statue was the Madonna of the Pioneer Women located in Council Grove Ks.

These are pictures of some of the historic sites located here. This was on the Santa Fe Trail heading West. The bank to the left was I believe built in 1897, quite a bank for those times.
We've actually had people tell us they have never been

Can you believe that someone told me there was Nothing to see or do in Kansas............

Goodnight and Sweet Dreams, time for me to be asleep along time ago. Until next time N&S