Monday, July 27, 2009

Lawrence KS.

Susan and her flowers. The building (on Left) is just an old brick building we saw in Lawrence KS. today. Below Left is just a cool old house.

These were churches. I just love brick and rock buildings (especially with Ks weather). There are severe weather warnings in So. Topeka right now. WE could see the storm off to the north when we were on our way home. I would imagine it will hit Lawrence a little later. Glad we got out of there. This weather is insane, but everyone here says it is nothing compared to earthquakes. Everyone seems to think that houses and people just fall into the big holes and houses fall in the ocean All the time, so eventually all of Ca is going in the ocean. I personally have had enough of the thunder, lightning, wind, tornado warnings, not too mention the snow and Ice in the winter.

Picture on left is downtown Lawrence. We walked 4 blocks of it.
We had my cousin Bill over for dinner Sunday. We had a very nice visit and he told us we could see the Space station & Shuttle at 9:59PM last night. He was still here, Thank Goodness, otherwise Neil & I would have both forgotten. We went to see if we could find it, we did. We watched it for 3 minutes go all the way across the night sky, and just all of a sudden it was gone. It was really great to get to see it. Thanks Bill

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