Monday, May 25, 2009

Just relaxing

That is what we've been doing Sun. and Mon. Somebody (won't mention any names) had to go to ER Sunday morning. After the tick, my face was itching really bad and Sat night It was all red, but Sunday morning, I looked horrible, my whole face and tongue were swollen, so Neil said, "U R going to ER Now" They said it was one of a number of things, Lime disease, cellulitus, staph infection, poison Ivy, or allergy. So they gave me med for all of the above. Today the swelling is down and I look like I have a servere burn, so who knows what it is.

Today we went and saw my cousin that is in a nursing home. We took him out to lunch and to WalMart. He was happy to get out with us. Next time we go we're going to take Bandit to see all the people in the home. Sandy isn't quite good natured enogh to trust like that.

Hope you're having a Good One Until Later N&S

Thursday, May 21, 2009

Kildare Birds

These birds are sure different with their nests. They just lay eggs in gravel, or wherever. I don't know how they survive, because cats, dogs, cars or anything can get the eggs. The eggs are quite large considering the size of the bird. Another interesting thing about them, is they run instead of fly. I would think with the 2 cats we have and the 3 Park cats they wouldn't survive 5 minutes, but so far so good. If you get near their nests they play like they are hurt toget you away from their nests. I thought at first it was a baby that couldn't fly because it had a broken wing, but Neil just laughed.,
Nice to know you're never to Old to learn things. Tomorrow is Fri. and then Sat is the reunion, followed by our days off, seems like we're off more than we work. Like an old friend said one time, "I love working when it's fun, and when the fun stops it's time to go find fun again." I am having fun. Until next time, Have a Good One N&S

Side Trips

I am either the luckiest or unluckiest person in the world, and I know it's not good luck I have. We took a side trip to the Hosp this afternoon, and unlike Ca we got there at 3:45pm and walked out at 4:12pm, Now that is Service in an ER. I woke up yesterday with a sore ear, and asked Neil to look at it, and he found a tick, lucky me. They gave me a two pill dose, for Lime disease, because they say they have had it here, so it was a pre-caution. The pills cost $1.68 for two. Neil says the service is worth moving here for. Of course, I reminded him that they have snow and tornados here.
I think if Neil doesn't think I'm better off at home, I'm quite sure my Drs will, because both of them said, "STAY AWAY from hosp. this year."
Today we met quite a few nice people. One young guy, about 40, told us he was going to come back here in a coupke of weeks to visit with us. He only came for Propane, but Neil and I being so shy got to talking. He told us all about Branson, and where the best, and most reasonable place to stay was, and he wants to know all about wonderful Ca. so says he's coming here next month camping.
Camping has really picked up the last couplke of days and we were very happy not only for us to keep busy, but the income for the park.

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Yellow Brick Road & Little House on the Prairie

We drove almost to Oklahoma today. On our one wrong turn to find the Yellow Brick road, Neil says I took him out into the wilderness and we'd never find our way back. We went to Sedan Ks and saw the Yellow Brick Road, but No Dorothy or Toto. Then we went to Independence Ks, where the Little House on the Prairie has been re-constructed on the original site and to specifications of the original.

Laura Ingall's School is below, the next is the Post Office. Then there are picture's of the inside of the Little House, but Somebody evidently didn't take a picture of the outside of the house.

We looked all over the Yellow Brick Road and finally gave up, then we asked in the Cafe and the lady said , "You walked on it to come in here", but we did come in the back so really we'ren't quite as dumb as she thought we were.

These are the first Cows Bandit had ever seen close up, and he was so funny. He growled a deep growl for such a little thing, and then he barked and growled some more, so the cows did back away from the vicious little dog.

We figure the snake was about 4' long, but I was pretty sure it was a full 100 feet.

Neil was going to get out and get close & take a pic. I said "Use the close-up shot. We don't know what kind it was,

Neil & I searched to find out what kind of DEADLY snake it was, and it is a Bull Snake and Neil says (and so did the online description) that they are harmless, BUT my opinion is, IF IT IS a Snake, it's deadly to me, and I wanna get away from them ASAP.

We had a wonderful dinner at the Main Street Cafe in Sedan, Ks. Dinner time here is Lunch time in Ca and dinner there is Supper here. Neil couldn't understand why the guy next to us, said I was really really late fixing dinner, it was 1:30PM.
I bought an 8 oz box of blueberries and an 8 oz box of Blackberries today for $1.50 each. I may empty my freezer and fill it with berries, strawberries were $2.00 for 16 oz.

Monday, May 18, 2009

Emporia Garden Show

The flowers in this grouping were some of Neil's favorites, but we both agreed we liked all of them.

Emporia is where I was born, (29 yrs ago).....

Look at the beuatiful blue skies. We noticed NO SMOG....

They had some Black Iris. Gorgeous I thought. When she splits them I am going to get some of the bulbs, to plant. I think I would like to open an account at this bank, just because of the name...

We went to the Emporia Garden Show, Sunday afternoon. The name of the place is Toad Hollow. They have 300 different color of Iris's. The end of May we will go back, because at that time they have Day Lillies in full bloom. We thought the sign about the bank was "Different". After leaving the garden show, we went and saw my cousin, Bill, who is in an extended care facility. He is my only first cousin on my Father's side of the family.

I've also been working on geneology this past week, and have learned alot, about my Dad's Family, that I either didn't know, or didn't realize as a kid. Funny that kids just don't think about who people are, they are just family. I knew some were Aunt's & Uncles, but not Why they were related.

There sure alot of little towns, (With nothing in them) around here, and Neil thinks because I lived here I know where they are and how far etc. I told him today, "I was 10 and didn't know everything". Makes you wonder why these little towns are just about closed up or desserted.

We were talking to one of the other work campers in this park, and I said, I had been out to the cemetery looking for family and he asked what was the family name, I told him, and the shocked look on his face was something. His aunt married my Uncle, and my Aunt & Uncle took his brother in as a foster child, and raised him. What a small World we live in.

Friday, May 15, 2009

Crazy Weather

We are not happy with the weather here today. We've had rain, thunder, lightning, hail and lots of rain. The news says we'll have 2 inches before it stops. I don't know how these people can say earthquakes are bad, tornado warnings are worse. We decided to go out to dinner. Went to a Mexican Restaurant, and it was not good. We were sitting eating and thunder shook the building, scared me half to death, and the dogs were in the car, so we had left the windows down for them so, when I got in the car, I got soaked to the skin, and then sat in a wet seat to come home. The rain in the motorhome was so loud we couldn't hear the TV.

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Pomona Lake Ks

Isn't he cute??
Happy Birthday Jessica.
The other pics are taken of and around Pomona Lake, which is actually in Lyndon Ks. We took off today and just went for a ride after working at the campground. I went to the cemetery where my Father's side of the family is buried. I saw and took pictures of my Grandma Hewitt's grave, I had never been there since she passed away in 1967. I learned info on other people that were there too. Itold Neil I couldn't believe how far from anything that the cemetery was. Until later......N&S

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Our Trip To Lebo

We decided to follow the GPS and go to Lebo. It took us on gravel and grass roads. We could have gone on Hwy 75 & 35 and been there in 20 min. Instead it took us almost an hour, but we saw a donkey, cows, Llama's, geese, ducks and lots of wide oopen spaces. Iris's grow wild here, so I had to take a picture of them. A lady that left the campground today gave me a poinsetta plant, I said, "It's alive, they always die for me." I painted my thumbnail green, so I'd have a green thumb. Let U Know if it works.
The geese in the lake (with babies) is the City Park in Lebo. I also found a house in Lebo that I liked, but it snows, thunder & lightning here, gimme them good ole earthquakes.
We have been starting to do some geneology since we've been here. I found my Grandmother's grave with picture, in a cemetary near here, so we'll go there one day soon.
Today we have thunder, lightning and rain, rain rain....why can't I send some to Ca.
Neil thought the dairies and farms around Turlock were in the boondocks, but he changed his mind this morning. Hope you enjoy the pictures. N&S

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Mother's Day

First, I'd like
to say Happy Mother's Day to all the Mom's. Wayne called me, while we were driving down a gravel road, where we saw wild Turkeys, and we saw a deer today. Neil took me out to breakfast to the only cafe we found open. We then went to WalMart in Topeka, it is open on Sunday, from 10-6. What's with it closing at 7 pm everyday except Sun. Where is 24/7....

We found the State Capitol (tallest building around) in Topeka. They are completely re-doing the capitol building, (because they have the money in their budget) and the state has a balanced budget....Maybe we need to tell Arnold that he should come to Ks and get lessons.

Bandit, our little dog doesn't seem to feel very good, Neil thinks he has a cold. He is willing to get covered up and that is rare.
It was supposed to be in the 90's today, but it's about 60 and raining. Wish I could send it over the computer to Ca.
Thought I got a good picture of Neil. We're off until Thurs. so we'll do some sightseeing after we get rested today. Have a Healthy Hasppy Day. N&S

Thursday, May 7, 2009

More pics

This was a really cool picture. It has all the presidents across the bottom and President Eisenhower is set into the background in the white house. If you click on the picture (once it is published) it should enlarge it for you. Hope it works.

Picture on the right is from the door of our motorhome at Laughlin Nv, The baby duck would have come in if he could have jumped that high, he tried. The pics on top are of course, Eisenhower House, Neil looking at statue, and the church across the street. Susan likes to take pics of church with steeples.

Eisenhower Library

Went to Eisenhower Home, Library, and museum yesterday. Was wonderful to learn so much about him. We went to Lunch at Kirby House. A victorian mansion turned into a restaurent, wonderful food and atmosphere. Try to get some pictures on here after while, don't know what the problem is, but it won't upload like it should.
We left Assairia this morning and drove to Lyndon to the campground, went and looked around the park and got a brief tour from other camphosts. It's windy and warm, but don't need air conditioner yet. We're going to go look for somewhere to go have dinner, because both of us are tired and don't want to cook, but I told Neil it might be easier for me to cook, because haven't seen any restaurants or anything since we left Emporia, (where I was born) and that's about 22 mi from here, Topeka is 24 mi, and I'm sure they have places. Lebo is where I lived as a child, and it's about 12 mi from here, but it doesn't have any cafe, grocery store or much else.
We are supposed to be training tomorrow and Saturday, so we'll know moreabout this place after that. Hope all is well with everyone. Neil & Susan