Thursday, May 21, 2009

Kildare Birds

These birds are sure different with their nests. They just lay eggs in gravel, or wherever. I don't know how they survive, because cats, dogs, cars or anything can get the eggs. The eggs are quite large considering the size of the bird. Another interesting thing about them, is they run instead of fly. I would think with the 2 cats we have and the 3 Park cats they wouldn't survive 5 minutes, but so far so good. If you get near their nests they play like they are hurt toget you away from their nests. I thought at first it was a baby that couldn't fly because it had a broken wing, but Neil just laughed.,
Nice to know you're never to Old to learn things. Tomorrow is Fri. and then Sat is the reunion, followed by our days off, seems like we're off more than we work. Like an old friend said one time, "I love working when it's fun, and when the fun stops it's time to go find fun again." I am having fun. Until next time, Have a Good One N&S


  1. We have these birds also in Harrison Ohio. The babies are very cute running all over the place. Although my son almost ran over them with the riding lawn mower! The mother will do anything to distract you, if you get too close her babies. I'm not having much luck finding information on the internet about them.

  2. I moved to northern California a few years ago and found that there are a lot of kildare birds here. They do lay their eggs in the most inappropriate places. A year or so ago, one had laid her eggs under a bench right next to the bocce ball court. All of the players would be very quiet when they played on that end of the court but the kildare disappeared and a couple of weeks later when the eggs were still there, I picked them up, brought them home and when they dried out, I put them in a decorative bird cage. Still have them. They are beautiful but have always wondered what happened to Mother Kildare.

  3. I live in Oakland TN we have these birds here. I was rideing my fourwheeler down the street and saw a flock of kildares I spead up trying to get them to fly but unfourtunaly one ran instead and had a head on collision with my tire. I felt kind of bad for it because it was really pretty. Now that I know they ran more than fly I'll be shure to swerve.

  4. In west TN we have these birds. Once I was driving my fourwheeler down the road and saw a flock of kildares I spead up to see them fly but one ran instead. Unfortunately for him he had a head on collision with my tire. Ifeel kind of bad for it because they r really pretty. Now that I know they run more than fly next time I will swerve.
