Monday, May 25, 2009

Just relaxing

That is what we've been doing Sun. and Mon. Somebody (won't mention any names) had to go to ER Sunday morning. After the tick, my face was itching really bad and Sat night It was all red, but Sunday morning, I looked horrible, my whole face and tongue were swollen, so Neil said, "U R going to ER Now" They said it was one of a number of things, Lime disease, cellulitus, staph infection, poison Ivy, or allergy. So they gave me med for all of the above. Today the swelling is down and I look like I have a servere burn, so who knows what it is.

Today we went and saw my cousin that is in a nursing home. We took him out to lunch and to WalMart. He was happy to get out with us. Next time we go we're going to take Bandit to see all the people in the home. Sandy isn't quite good natured enogh to trust like that.

Hope you're having a Good One Until Later N&S

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